SMU-NAFA Advanced Certificate in Mastering Design Literacy for Marketing

Module 3: Design as Narrative (TGS-2023018182)

We live in an era where visual narratives are deeply embedded into our daily lives, shaping our needs, wants and desires. Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and streaming services are moving visuals that we take with us anywhere, anytime. We have moved from a world that was primarily ruled by the written word to a post-digital revolution one that is dominated by the narrative-driven image.

In this module, participants will learn how to navigate through the world with an understanding of the intentionality of images and how they are framed, composed, moved and juxtaposed with sound and music. Participants will also be introduced to the craft of storytelling and will learn about the challenges in pitching a narrative to a generation of visual consumers. Additionally, they will learn how to bridge the gap with creatives working behind the lens.
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Reference Materials
  • Assessment/Grading
  • Survey - Trainer
  • Survey - Course Related
  • Current Intake Sessions
  • Misc
  • End of Course Admin (For Admins)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed