SMU-NAFA Advanced Certificate in Mastering Design Literacy for Marketing

Module 6: Design Futuring and Participatory Design (TGS-2023018185)

Design and designers today are fast moving away from their traditional service-oriented role. The principles behind the thinking of design are becoming progressively systematic and focused on preferable futures. Design today is one where everybody can design, a direction which recognises the importance of allowing the participation of partners, stakeholders, citizens and even end users.

In this module, participants will gain insights into where design is moving towards and will also learn how to make strategic choices in their organisations that enhance partnerships with future-set designers. Marketing professionals and business owners who are concerned about future trends affecting their organisations will find this module useful in generating forecasts for their businesses, causes, initiatives and concerns through the lens of design.
  • Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Reference Materials
  • Assessment/Grading
  • Survey - Trainer
  • Survey - Course Related
  • Current Intake Sessions
  • Misc
  • End of Course Admin (For Admins)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed